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Happy Homemaker Monday

Happy Homemaker Monday

Another weekend has flown by.  I'm not quite ready for the week, but in our house it will be a short one since the hubby took Friday off to get a nice 4 day weekend.  Hope everyone else had a nice weekend and is ready for the week.  Happy Monday.

The weather.....


Right now I am....

I have things to get done today, but feel like I need just a tad bit of rest time.  I have no energy lately.

On my reading pile....
Charlotte's Web is all at the moment.  I don't have anything to read for me at the moment.

On my TV.....
Will and Grace this morning, and later some Doctor Who.
What I found while surfing the net....
I came across a really fun blog while on Pinterest.  It has crafts and food and lots of printables.  Live Craft Eat

On the menu for this week....
I have no idea yet.  

On my to do list....
Sweep and steam mop kitchen floor

In the craft basket....
Granny square blanket and a granny triangle bunting.

Looking forward to this week....
We are getting family pictures taken on Saturday!  I'm so excited to have a nice family picture to hang on the walls.  We have nice Christmas ones, but it will be nice to have ones taken that aren't in front of a Christmas tree.  Also, my husband took Friday off so that he can visit his Uncle and so that we can have a 4 day weekend.

Looking around the house....
There is laundry to be folded in the hallway and some dishes in the sink to be washed.  This is what happens when you are busy all weekend.  Ben is in his room playing angry birds with his toys and watching Batman.  Rylie is napping and Sydney is watching Will and Grace and eating cheese sticks.

From the camera....

On my prayer list.....
Sandra and her husband as they continue to wait to see what their future holds.

 Bible verse, Devotional....
I will rejoice heartily in the Lord, my being exults in my God; For he has clothed me with garments of salvation, and wrapped me in a robe of justice, Like a bridegroom adorned with a diadem, as a bride adorns herself with her jewels. ~ Isaiah 61:10


Debbie said…
Thanks for visiting my blog Liz. I hope you had a restful day.

Have a great week.
Debbie Jones said…
Hi, I am your newest follower. I love your fun blog. I think we would get along well - when I read your past post about you, it sounded a lot like me in many ways! Yes, I will also confess to liking reality television (Real Housewives of Orange County and Hoarders are two a can't seem to stay away from). Also, like you, I'm a Christian, but tend to be moderate to liberal about some things. I am looking forward to following along and reading more of your posts! Have a great evening!
Liz said…
Thank you ladies! I really appreciate the read and hope you ladies enjoy my blog, and well, just me being me. Have a wonderful week.

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