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Christmas cards and no craft day

There will be no craft today...  I'm going to have to just have Ben do Christmas coloring sheets while I work my hiney off on Christmas cards.  I need to send my pictures to Walmart to have them ready to go ASAP.  My goal is to have all the cards mailed out no later than Saturday.  Since they are still sitting in their packages on my kitchen table, you can tell I'm extremely behind.  Sorry if they are lacking in the personal touch this year.  I will do my best, but I'm in a hurry due to my procrastination.

Once again, the library books are late back, thank goodness only by one day.  I'm blaming the weather and car trouble on this one but it's still frustrating none the less.  They are all stacked up and ready to go on the kitchen table for when Shawn gets the chance to run them by, well except for one book which I believe may be hiding underneath or behind the couch, which I will need assistance to find.  It's easy to loose things here when the living room often looks like this:

We do pick up about 5 times a day but when he decides he wants to play with one thing, all the toys come out in the process.

We have been enjoying the snow the past couple of days.  Regrettably, I have turned into my husband here, and find myself saying it didn't snow enough.  You can still see grass and leaves through the snow.  I even find myself daydreaming about moving somewhere that it snows much more at a time and much more frequently.  This coming from a woman who loves the warm weather.

Last year, Ben was afraid of the snow, although I did break my foot last January and he wasn't able to go out in it much.  Tuesday, when Shawn and Ben came to pick me up from work, Ben didn't want to get back in the car because he was playing in the snow in the parking lot.  We decided to take him and the dog out in the back yard when we got home so he could actually enjoy it.

Yesterday, Ben and I went outside to play in the snow.  We got him all bundled up and I did the best I could at bundling myself up.  It's hard when you can't fasten your coat though.  I got cold after about 15 minutes and made Ben come inside.

He kept putting snow in my coat pockets or throwing it in the air and yelling "TaDa!"

I'm thinking it's going to be too cold today to really go out at all which is sad, but it's alright because there is so much other stuff that needs to be done around here. 

I believe the heating element has gone out on the dryer again.  I think this is the 3rd time, maybe.  I know we should just get a new dryer, but honestly we can't afford it right now and I'm trying to make the washer and dryer last until we can afford those front loaders I want so badly.

Ben keeps running up to me with a Santa hat on saying "Oh Ha Ho"  (his version of Ho Ho Ho) which is reminding me to get back on task for the day and move along to Christmas cards.  Now if only I could get him to smile for me in front of the Christmas tree for a picture to put in the cards.  We attempted it yesterday but he was kind of grumpy at that point and wouldn't smile at all.  He seems to be in a much better mood today though, so maybe.  Well, here's hoping I get some cards done today and a decent picture to go inside.

Update:  Just saw that my alma mater was just honored again and thought I would share it.

Sumner Academy named in "Best High Schools."


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