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Ben's 4th Birthday and Our Weekend

I can't believe my little man is now 4 years old!!!  I feel like I blinked and he went from being a baby in the hospital to a big kid that hardly thinks he needs my help.

Ben only a couple of hours old:

Ben on his big birthday:

The festivities and our weekend really started on Friday.  Shawn took the day off from work so we could go to the zoo.  That didn't work out so well considering it was really cold and rainy all day.  Not good zoo weather.  We looked at the weather for the upcoming week and decided that we'd go the next Friday.  Instead, we went to see Lion King 3D with Shawn's mom Julie, and then to get the kids some new shoes.

Here's Julie and the kids, waiting on the movie to start:

After the movie and shopping, Shawn's mom, sister, and I got our hair done.  Thank goodness, I needed it badly!  I'll have to take pictures later, because it looks so much better... Now I just have to do some color.  Anybody want to help me?  Haha!

Later that evening, on the way home from KC, we stopped at Walmart so I could do a little last minute shopping including the purchasing of cake mix, frosting, candles, presents, etc.  I know, I'm a procrastinator, but with only one car, you take the opportunities you are given and this was it for me.  Shawn stayed in the car with the kids and in I went.  Walking through the children's clothing, I managed to slip on some spilled chocolate milk and pulled my groin.  To anyone that has experienced this, I'm truly sorry, because I now know this really hurts.  I'm still in pain today.

Saturday was Ben's birthday, so when he woke up, we let him open one present in our bed before we got dressed and set off to his Granny and Pa's house to get ready for his big party.  We had a wonderful time at the party and even though it rained off and on, the kids still got plenty of outside playing in.  Everyone was there.  My sister-in-law Kelly even managed to get off of work early so she could be there.

(The pictures in this section came from my mom's camera.)

Me, Shawn, Julie, and Andy.  (Look at how huge I am!  I'm only 17 weeks along.)

My sister Courtney, Grandpa Moose, and Grandma Holt.

Me, Shawn, and Julie again.

Grandma Holt with my little brother Andy.

My mother-in-law Julie with my sister-in-law Kelly.

Kelly with Ben and CJ.

My father-in-law Andy, and my nephew CJ.

Because of my groin injury, and the exhaustion brought on by a late night and pregnancy, I didn't really get up a ton.  I mostly sat in one spot except for during lunch, cake, and presents, so I didn't get a ton of pictures.  My pictures were mainly of Ben opening presents and blowing out birthday candles.

Lunch was delicious, grilled hamburgers, hotdogs, and chicken brats, beans, potato salad, curried rice, and chips.  Everything was so yummy.  Shawn made Ben's birthday cake.  Ben has known since Mother's Day that he wanted a "fire truck cake" which really meant red velvet cake with cream cheese frosting, so that's what he got.  Our family friend Terry even brought homemade chocolate and vanilla ice cream.

(These pictures are all mine now.)

After the whole cake mess was cleaned up, he finally got to open up his presents.

He got so much stuff, that at some point, probably tomorrow since I'm running out of time for it to happen today, I have to go through all the kid's toys and get rid of some to make room for the new.  I'm sure my parents did this when we got new presents, but I don't really remember it ever happening...  How were they so slick?

After socializing for quite a while Saturday night, we went home and our good friend Torren came over bearing even more gifts.  (He's the children's God father and will be officially once we get these crazy kids baptized, which we've been meaning to do for quite a while.)  The sad news is that Ben had fallen asleep on the car ride home.  We tried to wake him telling him Torren was here and he had more presents to open and more ice cream to eat, but it didn't work.  He didn't want any part of it and spent the whole time screaming and crying.  After the gifts were open, we quickly put Mr. Grumpy Pants to bed.

Sunday we woke up to a house with no cable and no internet.  We didn't even have internet on our phones.  This is extremely traumatic for me since I'm a TV and internet junkie and have to get my fix or I go crazy.  We ended up doing a little house work and then heading back to Shawn's parent's house.  We didn't really do a lot, just relaxed, watched the Chiefs game (it was terrible!), played with the kids outside, watch the dragonflies migrate, and eat a yummy dinner.

The kids love playing outside!

Ben riding his new big wheel that he got for his birthday from his Granny and Pa.

Sydney decided she was taking a turn on the big wheel next.

They love this sand and water play thing.  Unfortunately, Sydney decided she liked drinking the nasty water from the sand side better than playing in it.

This is the view at my in-laws house from their back patio.  We were sitting in lawn chairs watching the children play in the sand and watching the dragonflies migrating.  They were coming at us from the trees.  Definitely something gorgeous that I've never seen happen before and have researched heavily since.  Isn't this view just amazing though?  Definitely my favorite time of year with the trees starting to change color a bit and all the beautiful wildflowers.

Today is just a normal Monday.  I'm exhausted from a full weekend among everything else and not motivated in the slightest.  As I look at the housework that needs to be done, I think, I'd rather play with the kids and cook dinner.  There's always tomorrow for the housework.  

Alright, I think I'm going to take the kids outside to enjoy this wonderful weather we having before I get started on dinner, but I'll leave you with this adorable picture of Ben playing dress up in his new fireman costume.


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