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As I'm sure you all can understand that the life of a stay at home mom, is not sitting on the couch, eating bon bons and watching TV all day.  Life is busy and exhausting!

Our van is once again in the shop.  This time it's the power steering and the heat in the back doesn't work.  Don't worry, we can't be without a van, so we rented one.  The kids love it as it has a DVD player in it.  I love it too.  I want a new stereo and DVD player for my van so badly!  Especially since we're keeping it around for a while.  Maybe that's what I'll beg for, for Christmas.

So, obviously, since Halloween was on Friday, we had lots of craziness going on. Friday was so hectic but so fun.  I guess our Halloween festivities started on Thursday since Sydney's class parade was on Thursday.

Sydney and Rylie were of course Elsa and Anna just like almost every other little girl.  Ben was Darth Vader and Scotland was a unicorn.  She was perhaps the cutest little unicorn that ever existed.

You know what, the crazy busy started even before that.

Monday, Monday is pretty much when insanity began.

During the day, I got an itch to bake.  I was not blessed with the baking gene, so to attempt cupcakes from scratch was a big deal.  I managed to pull of pumpkin cupcakes with maple cream cheese frosting.  Completely delicious!

Sydney had parent watch night at dance.  She also got to wear her costume which meant extra time to get ready.

After dance, we had to do some pumpkin carving!  Shawn was so excited this year.  He bought nice carving knives like we always say we're going to do and then never do.  He also bought a drill attachment for cleaning out the inside of pumpkins.  In the past Shawn and I have spent hours carving designs into pumpkins.  This year, we went back to the old traditional faces.  Ben and Sydney want Jack and Sally from Nightmare Before Christmas.

And while we worked on pumpkins, I also fed Scottie.

We ended up with some really fun, and neat pumpkins!

Tuesday... Tuesday was no less crazy.  The day started somewhat normal. I took Ben and Sydney to their schools.  Shawn worked from home because we had an exterminator coming out at the same time I was supposed to pick up Sydney from school.  Between the weather outside and the pets, we seem to have a flea outbreak.  I don't do fleas!  We changed the dogs meds since obviously they weren't working, got the cat treated, did a spray I bought from the vet, washed all of the bedding and clothes that were sitting out, and had an exterminator come out.  I really can't handle nasty little bugs, especially bugs that make you hurt or itch. The exterminator said he didn't see a lot inside, but did say that while he was waiting for Shawn to come to the door, while he was outside, they were jumping all over his khaki pants. I'm getting itchy just thinking about it. Anyway, I had to keep the kids out of the house afterwards while the poison dried so I took the girls all to McDonalds, fed them lunch and let them play in the play place.  They've never played in a McDonalds play place before so this was new and exciting to them.

Tuesday evening, was game 6 of the World Series.  Having been a Royals fan my entire life, it was so exciting to get to go!  Shawn bought tickets with his dad to the entire post season.  Shawn gave up his ticket for game 2 so that he could take me on game 6.  It was so amazing!

Sitting 3 rows behind me, was Steve Perry and Rob Schneider.

I've never seen anything like this game!  Absolutely amazing.

Wednesday was a typical Wednesday.  Shawn took his mom to game 7.  Unfortunately we lost, but it was amazing to get to be a part of this with a team I've loved my entire life.

Thursday, Sydney's school, did their halloween parade for the Tuesday and Thursday classes.  They even got to walk around the block.

I even let Rylie dress up for it.

Friday, we spent the morning shopping for warm clothes to go underneath their costumes since it was incredibly cold.  The afternoon we spent in Ben's class.  The school did a whole parade, and then they had their class parties.  I signed up to bring food with two other moms, and we were assigned fruit cups with is kind of a silly class party snack, but oh well.  I feel confident that I made my 1/3rd look cute and halloween-y.

I let the kids all dress up for Ben's school parade, and we ended up sticking around for the class party.

They had fun little activities like turning the kids into mummies with toilet paper, bowling with pumpkin buckets, and halloween bingo.

That evening we went out to eat for my niece's birthday and then went out trick-r-treating.  It was so cold the kids wore their jackets over their costumes as well as clothes underneath them.

Rylie cracked me up though.  She would have trick-r-treated all night if we'd have let her.

After trick-r-treating, we took the kids over to our friend, Torren's house.  He's also my kids God Father.  We spent the rest of the evening chit chatting and just hanging out with Torren and his mom, who is such an awesome woman.

Don't think the crazy stopped there!!!  Saturday was my niece's birthday party.  It was lots of fun and my kiddos had a blast.

The last picture is Shawn's cousin Zach getting some Scotland cuddles.  It's so funny.  I'll never forget, his wife was pregnant with their twins and he said I'll bet you, within 5 years you guys will be having kids, 2 years later, here came Ben.  We were at the lake on summer and Zach made a joke about impregnating me, and approximately 9 months later, here came Sydney.  I should point out, she is definitely not Zach's. Hahaha!  He never joked or anything before Rylie or Scotland before they were conceived, but low and behold they are both born red heads, so the joke is that he is their actual father.  Also, he has an older daughter and then twin girls.  When we found out we were having a boy with Ben, Shawn teased Zach that it took him one try to do what Zach couldn't do in 3.  Shawn jinxed us and gave us 3 girls after our boy.

Sunday, Shawn has season tickets to the Kansas City Chiefs, and he took Ben to Ben's first actual season football game.

Three generations of Chiefs fans!  Ben, Shawn, and Shawn's Dad, Andy.

My little boy is all grown up!

This week has been a little hectic.  The van in the shop, the rental, dance, date night on Friday (Shawn and I are going to see Interstellar in Imax) and the typical kids school crazy stuff, as well as voting, getting my drivers license renewed, and scheduling the kids flu shots.

To top it all off, I locked us out of the house this morning.  I tried picking the locks, but nothing worked.  I had the girls sitting in the warm van while I tried to get us in.  I'm in the backyard trying to pick the lock to the back door when I hear Sydney crying and yelling "Mommy!" from a lot closer than van.  I came around the house to find her crying because she had to pee.  I gave her a very quick lesson in squatting and took her to the back yard.  Finally I broke in through a window and shoved Sydney through it to let us in the garage.  I called this morning, Life Lessons with Mommy.  Hahaha! Hey, it happens... right?

It's never boring here!  Ok, because I don't think there can ever be enough of my kids adorableness in a post, I have to post a couple more.

Selfies with Syd

Alright... tis time to go collect my son from school.  I hope everyone is doing well.  We all are doing just fine here in our chaos.


Sandra said…
Goodness you are one busy lady, I am tired just reading about your past week LOL

Love all the photos, the kids looked adorable in their Halloween outfits and Scotland is SO big, my word.

Glad you're all doing fine :)

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