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A loaded Saturday

Whew!  It's Sunday, and all I want is a day of rest.  Too bad a house wife and mother's jobs don't allow her to take a day off.  Truth be told, I don't want a day off, I just want a relaxing but fun day.  I'm hoping to get house work done early so we can enjoy the day as a family.

Yesterday, we had a fun family day, but we were all split up.  Shawn took Ben to the Nascar trucks race.  My mom has season tickets to the races out at the Kansas Speedway, and she was nice enough to give us the ones for the trucks so Ben and Shawn could have a boys trip.  We drive by the speedway at least once a week when we go to Shawn's parent's house and every time, Ben says "I wish I could go to the races."  

He was so excited all morning long.  He woke us up saying, "Mommy! Daddy! Mommy! Daddy! Today is race day!"  We got everyone ready and headed to Kansas City.

When we got to Kansas City, we packed a bag for Ben and Shawn full of water, sunscreen, snacks and headphones, and eventually sent them on their way.

While the boys were gone at the races, the girls and I spent some time with Julie (Shawn's mom) outside while she planted some flowers.  It was really the most beautiful day.  Terry, our family friend, pointed out the sky.  It was so beautiful.  There were some clouds, but the way the sun reflected through them, it was like there was almost a rainbow.  It was so beautiful.

 Shawn took lots of pictures from the races.  It was too cute and it looked like a good time.

He came back, talking a mile a minute about the two wrecks he saw and how fast and loud the trucks were.  He really had a great time and got a little nap in while he was there so he was full of energy.  That, however, was not the case for my husband.

While they were napping, the big girls were all cleaning up and putting on makeup.  We even did Sydney's makeup and then she decided she didn't have enough on.

 After everyone was rested, and made up, it was evening time which meant more plans.  Half of the family left for Liberty, so Shawn and his sister could visit their Uncle Mike.  The other half of the family stayed behind to take me and Julie to the Jimmy Buffett concert and then they were going to join everyone else in Liberty for dinner.  While we were waiting to go to the concert, Andy (Shawn's dad) took Ben outside to show him how to make the parachute army man work.

Later at the concert, surrounded by drunk people, Julie and I grabbed some margaritas and sat down in our seats to enjoy the show.  This was my first drink since I got pregnant with Rylie.  I don't drink much.  Don't get me wrong, I like a nice glass of wine or a wonderful cocktail, but Shawn and I are not heavy drinkers.

The concert was really awesome, as was the people watching.  

Also, I'm aloud to say something now, because the family has been told, but I'm going to be an Aunt again twice this year.  I may not have mentioned this in the past few months, but my sister is expecting her third baby, a little boy, due in August.  Also, in much newer news, Shawn's brother and his girlfriend are expecting their first baby together due in December.  Morgan (Shawn's brother's girlfriend) already has an adorable 3 year old daughter named Langston.  She and my kids get along so well that I'm sure as they find out their friend LaLa is going to have a little brother or sister, they will be super excited.  I consider Morgan more than just my brother-in-law's girlfriend, she's a friend.  

It's exciting as the family grows on both Shawn's side and mine.  I've always wanted a big, close family.  While I'm done having children and didn't get the big family with five children, I originally wanted (Shawn and I both agree that there is a time for having babies and a time for raising and we're ready to move on to the next chapter.  Also, three children, especially so close in age, is plenty.) the big family is happening anyway.  I love that all of the cousins will be close in age and I hope that they can be close and good friends as well.

It's funny how life works.  For today, I need to get some laundry done and the floors cleaned and then I want to relax and spend time with my wonderful, handsome, husband and my beautiful children.  Maybe we'll go to the park, or plant the baby dogwood trees Shawn brought home from work.  It's a beautiful day and I want us all to enjoy it together.


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