The weather in my neck of the woods: Right now it's 58 degrees but it's supposed to warm up to 72 today. Things that make me happy: When my kids get along. Book I'm reading: Cleaving by Julie Powell What's on my TV today: Hopefully some fun Halloween stuff. On the menu for dinner: Chili and crackers. On my To Do List: Fold and put away laundry Make beds Trick or treating Some Halloween crafts New Recipe I tried or want to try soon: I'm not really sure. I have seen a lot I'm really interested in trying, just can't think of them off the top of my head. In the craft basket: Something Halloweeny today for the kids, but nothing for me yet... Looking forward to this week: Trick or treating tonight, and maybe some baking this week. Tips and Tricks: I can't think of anything off the top of my head again today. My favorite blog post this week: Didn't get much reading done yet... I'll catch up soon. No words needed (fa