The weather in my neck of the woods:
It's in the 80s today but is supposed to be chilly and rainy by Wednesday this week.
It's in the 80s today but is supposed to be chilly and rainy by Wednesday this week.
Things that make me happy:
Doctor's appointments where I get to see my baby (sono). I'm not a patient person. I can't wait for February.
Book I'm reading:
Cleaving by Julie Powell
What's on my TV today:
The last 2 episodes of Bones season 6
The last 2 episodes of Bones season 6
On the menu for dinner:
Pineapple brats/hot dogs, grilled asparagus, cheesy potato casserole, and strawberries
Pineapple brats/hot dogs, grilled asparagus, cheesy potato casserole, and strawberries
On my To Do List:
Fold and put away laundryOrganize the kids new play room
New Recipe I tried or want to try soon:
Ugh at this time I don't really have anything, although I wish I did.
Looking forward to this week:
Hopefully catching up on sleep, and getting ready for Halloween. We'll be carving pumpkins this week!
Tips and Tricks:
My favorite blog post this week:
I haven't really been able to sit and read the blogs lately, but hopefully I'll catch up this week.
No words needed (favorite photo or picture, yours or others you want to share):
Lesson learned the past few days:
On my mind:
SLEEP! I'm just exhausted. I think it's partially the pregnancy, and partially my schedule. I need to slow down a little and work on getting to bed at a more decent hour. I make my kids go to bed early, why can't I?