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Showing posts from October, 2019

Friday in the Life

Ok, since I was able to include the bulk of our morning routine this post might be a bit long. Friday... The morning started with my alarms going off at 6:30. I don't usually roll out of bed until 6:50 though. When I get up, I start waking up Rylie and Scottie who have often made their way up to my room and are sleeping on the floor. I don't turn on the bedroom light just yet though, because Shawn sleeps for another 10 minutes. We do this so we can stagger our morning potty trip. We don't need one of us doing a pee dance while the other one gets to go. After I start waking up Rylie and Scottie, I go down to Syd's room. I usually turn her light on to get her moving. After I wake her up I drop in, in Ben's room to wake him, using the Alexa in there. While the kids are all starting to get out of bed and dressed, I take the time to get some clothes on (not usually my clothes for the day, but something) and occasionally put my contacts in. I put my shoes on too