Ok, in the years past we've done tons and tons of candy and cheap little dollar tree items or things from the dollar aisle at Target. This year, I was determined to do better. My kids are playdoh obsessed so I bought a case of it to split between them. I also bought figurines from some of their favorite shows or little toys. Ben got Scooby Doo, Sydney got Littlest Pet Shop, Rylie got Peppa Pig, and Scottie got Disney princess. I do need to try and find chocolate coins. That is their favorite and they always get them from Santa, but that might be pretty close to the only candy that they get. They just don't really eat that much candy. They love it but get side tracked, and lets be honest, they don't need the sugar, especially with all the other cookies and such around at Christmas. I also got the big girls two plush Disney Princesses each, Ben a plush Olaf, and Scotland one plush Disney Princess. This year I was determined to not get a bunch of stuff I'll be throwing away a week after Christmas, and I think I accomplished that.
As I look outside my window::: So far today, it is cold and gloomy! Right now I am::: Sitting on the couch under my crocheted afghan. Thinking and pondering::: On Thanksgiving! What to fix. I think I'm getting carried away, but I love it. On my bedside table::: I haven't been doing much reading lately and I should. Duck Commander Family by Willie and Korie Robertson Frozen by Sarah Nathan and Sela Roman On my tv tonight::: American Horror Story Some Doctor Who specials Playing on the radio::: I don't have anything playing right now, but I'm obsessed with James Blunt's new song, Bonfire Heart. The video is amazing too. I love the story behind the video. The people in it are NOT actors. The wedding scene towards the end, he actually crashed a wedding and captured the bride and grooms first dance. Amazing. And, not only is his voice and music wonderful, he's a total hottie. On the menu for ...